Helpful Resources for All Visitors
Helpful Resources for Students
Student Organization
If you are a UTeach student, you are automatically a member. There are no dues or fundraising. Just get to know fellow UTeachers and explore ways to improve UTeach and the field of teaching.
Student Workroom
Workroom and Inventory
The workroom is a place for UTeach students to collaborate and use UTeach resources. Thousands of items are available to UTeach students, faculty, and staff as well as FRI and Dean's Scholars students.
Online Systems
UTeach Portfolio System
Students are introduced to the Portfolio project in Step 1 and Step 2 (UTS 101 and UTS 110). You'll be expected to add documents and ideas to your portfolio every semester, building toward the preliminary portfolio as you go through both UTeach and content courses.
Student Employment
Student Handbook
UTeach Student Handbook
PDF document