Why UTeach is Right for You
Welcome Prospective UTeach Students!
Have a passion for math and science and love working with kids? Try out teaching with UTS 101.
Money tight? We have scholarships, and paid, part-time internships.
Find out how you can fit the UTeach Program into your degree by scheduling an advising appointment!

Current UT Students
UTeach provides flexible entry points no matter how far along you are in your degree plan. One Degree = Two Career Options.

UTeach Access
UTeach Access is a new co-enrollment program with The University of Texas at Austin and Austin Community College. The new UTeach Access program format, beginning in the fall of 2024, will recruit students directly from ACC for transfer to UT in the fall of 2025.

UTeach for Texas
Do you have a degree in science, mathematics, or computer science?
You’re ready to become a teacher.
Support UTeach Natural Sciences
Now more than ever, STEM teachers who are highly knowledgeable in content and passionate about teaching are essential to our nation's secondary students' educational success. UTeach is producing teachers who are educating tomorrow's scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians to play a vital role in America's future. We produce teachers. They change the world.