High School Research Initiative
The University of Texas High School Research Initiative (HRI) is a scientific inquiry program supported by the Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) at the NIH. We are focused on training teachers in rural high schools across Texas to successfully lead independent research experiences for high school students, infuse inquiry into existing curriculum, and use innovative resources to support inquiry in the classroom.
HRI provides training, resources, and undergraduate mentors to facilitate flexible modular experiences in the health sciences for high school classrooms.
Our curated HRI modules fit best within Career & Technical Education (CTE) health science classes, life sciences, and the scientific research and design course.
What is included in the HRI?
We provide teachers and educators:
- access and training for seven unique inquiry modules (one to five weeks).
- virtual office hours with research faculty members and undergraduate mentors.
- virtual 3-4 week summer professional development training to assist with teaching the modules.
HRI Summer Professional Training
Our professional development workshop offers a practical approach to incorporating project-based inquiry experiences into your STEM class.
Participants will:
- receive first-hand experience to the inquiry-based approach with instructor guidance.
- explore topics such as experimental design, lab safety, scientific writing, frequentist statistics, and more led by UTeach Master Teacher Deanna Buckley, Ph.D.
- learn about modules (created by UT research faculty) to implement into their course(s).
- receive a stipend of up to $1500 for participating in the program.
Learn More:
Check out our Fast Facts
Interested in participating? Apply Here!
Learn More About the HRI Modules
Participating Districts 2024-2025
Austin ISD
Central Heights ISD
Collegiate High School
CYGA Academy
Leander ISD
Lockhart ISD (rural)
May ISD (rural)
Renaissance Academy
St. Dominic Catholic High School
St. John's School
St. Michael's Catholic Preparatory School

What Participants Are Saying
"As a teacher is I want to develop more of a self perception in my students that they can be a scientist and that science is for everyone. And this HRI module really helps me accomplish that, because they can talk to…actual scientists who are currently working in a lab, and then they can do like an experiment that's very similar to what they're doing." - Participating Teacher
"The most memorable parts was definitely getting advice from the students [undergraduate mentors]. I also enjoyed the lab and how in depth it was." - High School Student
HRI Program Administrators
Deanna Buckley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice
Co-Investigator HRI
Bailey Williams, M.Ed.
Program Coordinator, HRI