UTeach Access is sponsored by Microsoft.

UTeach Access is a new coordinated transfer program that offers Austin Community College (ACC) students a pathway to the University of Texas at Austin's College of Natural Sciences. Specifically designed for those interested in exploring a career in STEM education, this program allows students the opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree in biology, chemistry, mathematics, or physics from UT while pursuing teaching certification for middle or high school science and math.
The new UTeach Access program format, beginning in the spring of 2025, will recruit students directly from ACC for transfer to UT in the fall of 2026.
Overview of UTeach Access
The U.S. faces a growing demand for STEM teachers, and UT Austin and ACC are working together to meet this need. UTeach Access was designed to increase access and affordability for students pursuing K-12 STEM education careers, helping to grow the number of well-qualified secondary STEM teachers in Texas. ACC students with an interest in biology, chemistry, mathematics, or physics and a passion for teaching can apply to join UTeach Access. Students selected for the program are guaranteed transfer admission to UT Austin’s College of Natural Sciences as part of the UTeach program after completing at least one year and meeting all requirements. This program provides a unique pathway for science and math majors to prepare for careers in STEM education by joining UTeach.
ACC students admitted to the UTeach Access program begin their college journey by enrolling in foundational courses at ACC campuses. They also take an introductory class at ACC on teaching and inquiry-based learning, led by University of Texas at Austin faculty. This course provides initial exposure to the teaching profession and includes hands-on experience in K-12 classrooms.
After completing one year in he UTeach Access program as a full time student at ACC and meeting program requirements, students are guaranteed transfer admission to UT Austin’s College of Natural Sciences as part of the UTeach Program. Upon graduation, they will earn a bachelor's degree from UT and obtain secondary STEM teaching certification.
How to Participate
Texas resident high school graduates enrolled in ACC can apply for admission into the UTeach Access program. Our first application round will open in late spring of 2025 for fall 2026 admission into the UTeach Access program. Upon completing the program criteria, UTeach Access students admitted in this round will be eligible for transfer to UT CNS in fall 2026.
If you are interested in receiving program updates and application materials, please complete the interest form.
Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements
Applicants must meet the following requirements to be considered for the UTeach Access program.
Students selected for fall admission will receive notification before the start of the fall semester. Stay in touch with us for updates about the next UTeach Access application period. |
Program Requirements
To receive the guarantee of transfer admission to UT Austin, you must complete the items below and satisfy the full terms of your UTeach Access agreement. 1. Be registered as a full-time student at ACC for two consecutive long semesters prior to transfer admission to UT. For Fall 2026 transfer admission to UT Austin, students must be enrolled full time at ACC for Fall 2025 and Spring 2026. 2. Complete at least 24 degree-applicable transferable semester hours from the recommended course list during the two long semesters prior to transfer to UT, including the UTeach Access section of EDUC 1301. Dual credit, Advanced Placement exam credits, “minimester” credit hours, and courses taken the summer will not count toward the 24-hour requirement. UTeach Access students must complete all coursework at ACC during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year you are admitted to the UTeach Access program. Work with the UTeach Access academic advisor to ensure all your courses are on the approved list. Please note that UTeach Access participants must take EDUC 1301. You must enroll in the section designated for UTeach Access students (only offered at ACC Rio Grande) and earn a grade of B or better in the course. 3. Achieve an overall ACC GPA of at least 3.0. The grades from all coursework attempted during the two long semesters prior to transfer, including any courses you repeat, will be included in the calculation of your UTeach Access GPA calculation for transfer eligibility. All individual grades for transferable UTeach Access courses must be a C or higher, regardless of your cumulative GPA. If you receive a D or an F in a course during the fall semester before your transfer, you must retake the course (or take another course in its place) during the spring semester. If you retake a course, you can only count it once toward your semester hours. For example, if you earn a D in a four-credit class, you must take at least 28 hours to achieve the required 24 hours of transferable coursework. 4. Complete at least one calculus course beyond MATH 2412 (precalculus) – specifically, MATH 2413, 2414, or 2415. Attain a grade of at least B in at least one calculus course or higher — specifically, MATH 2413, 2414, or 2415. Students who enter the program with credit for one or more courses in this sequence must take an additional math class during the academic year prior to transferring to UT to satisfy their math requirement (depending on degree plan; MATH 2305 or 2420). Students intending to major in Mathematics are encouraged to take two math courses beyond MATH 2412 over the fall and spring. Students required to take precalculus, you must do so in the fall semester of the academic year you apply for admission into UTeach Access and earn a grade of B or higher. Your grade in precalculus will factor into your ACC GPA, but the course does not count toward your 24 hours of required coursework. If you take precalculus, you must take an additional course to meet the 24-credit-hour requirement. Additionally, you must take a mathematics course in the spring semester to fulfill your mathematics requirement. 4. Achieve grades of at least B in two consecutive upper-level science courses, dependent on major and previous completed courses. Approved upper-level science courses include: BIOL 1406, 1407; CHEM 1311 (+1111), 1312 (+1112); PHYS 1401, 1402 or PHYS 2425, 2426. Specific course requirements by major are noted on the approved academic years. Courses for the 2024-2025 academic year can be found on the UTeach Access ACC Curriculum AY2425 handout. 5. Submit a letter of recommendation and program criteria verification forms to UTeach Access. You must submit one or more letter of recommendation from one ACC STEM instructor in your field of study. Program criteria verification forms will be provided by the EDUC 1301 instructor and an ACC academic advisor. This form verifies the student has met with them, understands the transfer process, and has reviewed the official UT degree plans for their major with the teaching option. 6. Submit a completed transfer application to UT by the transfer application deadline. The transfer application deadline Fall is March 1. Students must select one of the following Natural Sciences majors as their first choice: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics (teaching option; see list of eligible degree program). 7. Submit your final official transcript by June 1. Your transcript must include final grades from all coursework completed at ACC. It must arrive by June 1 or the following Monday if June 1 falls on a weekend. Information on submitting transcripts to UT is available on the UT Office of Admission’s Transcript Info webpage. |
Admission Steps
Admission to the UTeach Access program is competitive and spaces are filled on a rolling basis. Once all available spaces for the year are filled, the application portal will close. |
Is UTeach Access Right for Me?
If you are considering applying for the UTeach Access program or have received an offer for admission, here are a few factors to consider.
With the successful completion of the UTeach Access program requirements, you will:
- Be guaranteed admission to the College of Natural Science as a biology, chemistry, mathematics, or physics major in the UTeach Program. Students are not encouraged to pursue this program if their major of interest is not one of these areas.
- Begin your next year at UT Austin with sophomore status or higher, having completed 24 or more hours of transferable coursework to support on-time graduation.
- Gain the skills, experience, and credentials necessary for a career as a middle or high school STEM teacher upon graduation.
We do not recommend UTeach Access:
- If you are not interested in earning your teaching certification.
Students who transfer to UT as part of the UTeach Access program must complete the UTeach course sequence. - If you are interested in a major in computer or data science.
UTeach Access students cannot major or double major in computer science or data science, nor can they transfer into those programs. The Statistics and Data Science department only admits freshmen and does not accept external or internal transfer applications. Transferring to other majors requires meeting eligibility criteria, submitting an application, and is highly restrictive. - If you have a significant number of AP or IB credits and cannot fulfill the 24-hour UTeach Access requirement.
You might have difficulty finding courses from the approved UTeach Access lists if you have a number of AP or IB credits. If you find there are not enough available courses to complete the 24-hour requirement, then UTeach Access is not a good option for you. You would be better served attending college elsewhere as a regular freshman. While you’ll lose your guaranteed admission by not participating in UTeach Access, you will have a more academically challenging and productive academic year. If you enroll in college after high school graduation and attain 24 college credits, you can apply to transfer to UT Austin and compete for space in the transfer applicant pool. - If you are not ready to take precalculus in the fall semester of your first year at ACC.
You must enroll in and complete calculus (MATH 2413) during the two long semesters of the academic year before your transfer to UT. If you are not ready to enroll in precalculus the fall semester of the year prior to transferring to UT, you will be unable to meet the minimum UTeach Access math requirement within the required timeframe. This will disqualify you from enrolling at UT Austin. You must complete the ACC math assessment to determine your math placement before applying to UTeach Access. We recommend completing your ACC math placement assessment early and consulting with ACC advisors to determine if you will be able to complete the UTeach Access math requirements.
Request Information About Applying to ACC
Select Science, Engineering & Math as your area of study and Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics as your program of interest.
ACC’s Mathematics Department offers an advanced math placement test (ALEKS) to assess your precalculus and calculus readiness. You can register for the test once you complete the ACC admissions process. A few details:

"UTeach and ACC are working together to make transferring to UT CNS more accessible for ACC students interested in a career teaching middle and high school science and math. Join the UTeach Access program and be part of the solution to the growing demand for STEM teachers. Your journey to inspiring the next generation of scientists and mathematicians starts here!"
— Dr. Alexandra Eusebi, Academic Director, UTeach Access