FFE Field Oberservers

Field Observers

All Field Observers must attend TEA sanctioned training for Field Supervisors in the state of Texas and maintain valid teaching certification.  During the training, Field Observers discuss coaching and mentoring strategies for novice teachers.

During the semester, Field Observers document the teaching proficiencies of their candidates using the required observations forms for the UTeach Natural Science Program.  Each observation in the field is to last a minimum of 45 minutes followed by a face-to-face debriefing and planning.  Field Observers document a minimum of four observations each semester for Apprentice Teaching candidates and a minimum of six observations (four in the fall and two in the spring) for UTeach INTERN candidates.  In addition, the Clinical Faculty conduct a minimum of one observation for each candidate with additional observations as needed.  It is the responsibility of the Clinical Faculty to develop any Professional Growth Plans and counsel candidates on next steps.  The observation schedule for the semester and updates on mentoring needs of the current candidates is discussed at the beginning of each semester (September, February) in the continuing professional development for all Field Supervisors and Clinical Faculty.

All contacts and observations are signed and documented using DocuSign and submitted into the candidates’ official university record in UTBox.

These observation goals are designed to exceed the state minimum required observations for any candidate.