
Duties and Expectations for Mentor Teachers

Please review it and contact your course instructor if you have any questions.

Mentor Teachers:

  • attend a planning session early in the semester to meet UTeach teachers as well as plan and schedule the field experiences.
  • supervise UTeach students during classroom visits lasting approximately 45-50 minutes. These visits consist of both observation and instruction.
  Number of visits Observations Lessons
PBI 6 3 3


In PBI, Mentor Teachers provide UTeach teachers with lesson topics and objectives for each of the three lessons so that the topics and objectives are connected as much as possible to the curriculum being taught by the Mentor Teacher at the time of the lesson.

During classroom visits, Mentor Teachers:

  • are present in the classroom at all times and do not leave UTeach teachers alone with a substitute or student teacher.
  • assume primary responsibility for classroom management.
  • promptly complete three short lesson feedback forms. A copy of the form goes the UTeach teacher, either in hard copy or electronically.

NOTE: These forms are important as students read and reflect on them before the next teach. They also provide evidence that students have taught each lesson, a requirement for passing the course.

Further, Mentor Teachers:

  • provide UTeach teachers with the opportunity to observe and teach the same group of students for all field experiences. The UTeach program understands this may not be possible in all circumstances and we appreciate the effort to provide our students with continuity in the field experience.
  • use email on a regular basis to communicate promptly and effectively with the UTeach students.
  • communicate with the PBI instructors at the first indication of problems.