Apprentice Teaching

Final Field Experience and Seminar (EDC 651S and UTS 170)

The Final Field Experience is one 6-hour course and one 1-hour course completed in a single semester OR a year long teaching INTERN experience beginning in the fall. Students are eligible for the final field experience after completing all other coursework, including content coursework. Students who intend to take one other course with EDC 651S and UTS 170 must submit a petition. Talk to your UTeach Advisor about how to submit a petition. Call 512 232 2770 to make an appointment.

Students are immersed in the schools to prepare to confidently assume a teaching position. In the seminar, students reflect on their student teaching experiences and examine contemporary critical issues in education.


  • EDC 365E with a grade of C- or better
  • Research Methods with a grade of C- or better
  • Perspectives with a grade of C- or better
  • A passing score on the preliminary portfolio
  • A cumulative UT GPA of 2.5
  • An application, apply here:
    • Spring Apprentice Teachers must apply by October 1
    • Fall Apprentice Teachers and UTeach Year Long INTERNS must apply by March 1
      • INTERNS must pass a Content TExES Exam in the Spring semester prior to the Final Field Experience
  • Attend an orientation session in the semester before prior to the final field experience. For further details and to sign up for the mandatory orientation, students must complete a UTeach online application.  For questions, please contact the Final Field Experience Coordinating Team, Pamela Elias or Kelli Allen.

Students who do not meet the 2.5 GPA requirement must submit a petition and earn a passing score on the Pre-Admission Content Test. Talk to your UTeach Advisor about how to submit a petition. Call (512)232-2770 to make an appointment.

Apprentice Teacher Instructor

  • Kelli Allen

    Kelli Allen

    Associate Professor of Practice

    Professional Development Coordinator

    Induction Coordinator